Sunday 25 March 2018

Pest control for Norfolk

Don’t forget we provide complete local Pest Control for both domestic and commercial customers.

Treatment for Rats, mice, squirrels, fleas, carpet moths, carpet beetles, cluster flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, silverfish & all other pest problems you have.

Local knowledge, local business with local rates.

Cluster flies

Lots of flies around windows and dead on the floor.

These are cluster flies they are not associated with dead and decaying matter, however they are a parasite.

Harmless but annoying to you because of there numbers.

Cluster flies are normally found close to grass areas, they lay there eggs in earth worm borrows, the larve hatch & find  the earth worm to burrow into and live off until its time to be an adult.

During autumn they find a loft space like yours to hibernate, they leave a pheromone telling future generations how nice your home is to live in.

The good news is we can stop this & doesn’t cost a fortune.

For info please call.